Saturday, December 24, 2005

Long time coming

Well it has been nearly 2 months...since my last blog that is so sad.

I could say I have been busy and I have, but that isn't why

I could say I took lots of time taking photos but there are some people who could dispute that (right Phil and Chris?)

I could say that I was snowed in and could take time from shoveling to blog but we haven't had much snow....

I could say that not much has been happening, but look around, think about how things have been going around the world, and that isn't it either.

So the real reason is just plain lazy. Haven't taken the time to express anything here. That will be changing. I plan to start blogging at a more frequent rate, maybe I can try weekly..who knows.
Anyway we are coming up to the arbitrary start of a New Gregorian calendar Year, only a week away. Since my last post was nearly on the Natural calendar's New Year (yep 10/31.. Halloween) let's see if I can get my butt in gear and commit to blogging every week, if only to say hi to the world out there....

Hi World!!

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