Saturday, December 30, 2006


I have been reading a lot of blogs recently. It has inspired me to make a concerted effort to actually have a blog going. A couple of buddies at work blog much more often than I do , and post pictures ( Phil and Mike ). Also have stumbled across a few more blogs that I have been 'lurking' on, and they are pretty consistent in blogging almost daily. I won't make that kind of commitment to myself, but will be more diligent.

Using my PC right now as my wife and daughter are on the computer (playing Tala's new Nancy Drew Mystery) where my photo's are stored. Later, when they are done, I will post some recent photos.

I finally got a decent Tri-pod. I was supposed to pick one out for my birthday in October, but never completed my recearch to decide exactly which one I wanted. Between October and Christmas, I did some more research and finally decided. We went to Spokane to look in person at them at Huppins, with the idea that we might come home and get a better price on-line. We found what we wanted, and my wife convinced me to go ahead and get it instead of waiting to get it in the mail. They didn't have one in the Store to sell, so they offered to let us pick it up from their warehouse in Idaho, on our way home. This was great for us, as we got to pay Idaho sales tax (6%) instead of Spokane tax (8.5%)! Had to wait to use it until I 'opened' it on Xmas morning, but it was just as good. We ended up getting a Manfrotto tri-pod and ball-head. I've taken a few pictures from it, but will use it more soon. Thanks Dear!!

More later when I get to the other PC....

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Nikeroo said...
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