Again the Pretender in office has made a fool of himself, and a mockery of the position that he holds. He has finally deigned to appear at the annual NAACP convention. For the first 5 years he refused to attend for any reason, the only sitting President who has refused to attend. I can't find any 'excuse' that he may have given. Now that his approval ratings are in the dumper he is trying to make up for past slights.
One of his statements according to AP:
ÂFor too long, my party wrote off the African-American vote, and many African-Americans wrote off the Republican Party.Â
Why doesn't he (and his party) understand the need to earn respect from the African American community. They need to be more than talk about wanting to be on their side, and actually do things that will help the community. Where do they stand on:
- Minimum wage improvements - Against
- Lower taxes for lower income people - Against
- Health care - Against
- Intelligence - Obviously they are Against
There also is the interesting point being made in many places that this is the first NAACP convention since Katrina, and thcoincidencece that he, his administration and Republicans in general dropped the ball there. As well as what aid they have provided has been disproportionately to white and rich communities. Draw your own conclusions.
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